• Registration & Membership of RACJ

Road Safety Campaigns

Road Safety Campaigns

  • Youth Safety

The Royal Automobile Club of Jordan and Hikmat Road Safety have launched a campaign called Youth Safety 2017. This campaign aims to raise awareness among the YOUTH and engage them to take active role in the field of Youth and Road Safety to reduce the number of deaths and injuries on roads.







  • Seat belt use

The RACJ has launched a national road safety drive within the framework of the FIA’s “THINK BEFORE YOU DRIVE “ - road safety drive launched in cooperation between the FIA, Bridgestone and the automobile clubs around the world . A brochure was printed and distributed to schools students, gas stations and the Traffic Department.


  • No mobile while driving

The RACJ has launched a national road safety drive in cooperation with KIA motors and Jordan Insurance Company on no mobiles while driving. A press conference was conducted to launch the road safety drive then brochures and stickers were printed and distributed to RACJ members, Traffic Department and road safety NGO’s. A painting exhibition was organised through the Ministry of Education for school students where 650 students participated. Winners were selected and prizes were given and a painting exhibition was organised to display the paintings.

Brochure  and Photogallery


  • Discover Jordan Rally Tour

This adventure-oriented event, organised by iSports, is planned to become one of the country’s landmark sport tourism events. The rally tour is a three-day event that will gather car enthusiasts, families and tourists to discover the most significant historical, religious and touristic sites Jordan has to offer.


It is an annual international event, organised for the first time in May 2012 and the second in April 2013, in association with Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Royal Automobile Club of Jordan (RACJ), Jordan Tourism Board (JTB), Jordan Inbound Tour Operators Association (JITOA) and Greater Municipality of Amman (GAM).


The event takes place over three days and two nights with 5-star quality service including entertainment and activities.


Road safety measures are introduced along the route, highlighting best practices and awarding participants for their awareness and commitment.



  • Road crossing assistance by school students

RACJ in cooperation with the Ministry of Education established Road Safety Clubs in several schools and trained students on safe road crossing aiming to reduce the number of accidents during  school rush hours.




  • Save Kids Life Initiative
On the occasion of the International United Nation week on road safety May 2015, the RACJ in cooperation with the FIA held an initiative to raise awareness about road safety for (Burc Jordanian-Turkish Schools) students. 
During the presentation given, the right and safe way to use the road was highlighted. Also the student participated by writing there road safety priorities on the signboard.
The RACJ has voted to request decision makers to save kids’ lives by listing road safety as a priority in their agendas.
You can save children’s lives by voting and sharing the link below


see this video 


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